Friday, April 15, 2016

Backdrop Part I

Well from the look of my blog you'd think I had not been working much lately! Actually it is just the opposite. I have been working on filling several orders, restocking for the outdoor show season, getting my display and booth set ups all ready for another year of shows. 

One aspect I hardly ever mention is my displays and booth. They are the backdrop for my work and I tend to treat them as such. When I first started doing shows I built some very rickety shelves out of scrap wood. Adequate, but after 6 years of heavy use they were even more rickety! 

My old shelves as I dismantled them and after removal of fabric. Scrap plywood!
So I asked my friend Ed to built me some new ones. They are beautiful, well made and light. Ed is a skilled woodworker. You can see his fabulous work at

Look at those corners!

I bought them home, did some light sanding, and then covered them with fabric. Some of my fabric was beyond cleaning. But luckily I had thought ahead and bought a whole bolt of the fabric I use for table coverings etc. I hated to cover them as they were so beautiful naked! 

Measure 4 times and cut once.
Ready to staple

In my booth I store a myriad of small supplies behind my shelves. Keeps things accessible and looking neat. The new ones are a smidge bigger so I have plenty of room.  

They look beautiful, such crisp edges and so sturdy!

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