Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Looking Back and Giving Thanks

I spent a big chunk of the afternoon cleaning up my blog. One of those necessary evils. I went back to the very beginning of my blog - December 2008. I needed to indicate that all of the things pictured had been sold and to remove broken links.

The fun part was looking at all the things I had made, places I had been, adventures I have had and the other artists I have featured. My work has changed - for the better I think! Since Beadware's inception in 2001 I have made more than 780 necklaces, 1400 bracelets, and 4200 pairs of earrings!! I have attended 160 public events with my mobile shop and held 27 home studio shows.  How do I know all that you wonder? Well I am queen of the spreadsheet. Just ask my accountant!  


I have several more tedious tasks on my list - updating my photo gallery, re-filling my online store, cleaning my studio....the list never ends. But I am thankful I am able to do something I enjoy and something creative for a living. Jumping full time into Beadware in 2010 was a huge leap of faith. The sacrifices have been worth it and I have had some fun adventures along the way and made many new friends.
 Magnolia 2010 - the park did not turn off the sprinklers over nite. 
Guess whose tent had a sprinkler head in it!!

I am very thankful to the friends and family that have supported my efforts. Especially friends that bought my earlier work! I am also thankful to my growing list of customers. Your kind words and continued support are a big part of what makes this such a fun job!

 Indoor Booth January 2014

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